Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeFinlandFinland to Assist India in Developing Quantum Computers

Finland to Assist India in Developing Quantum Computers

Finland has pledged its assistance to India in the development and construction of quantum computers, according to Finnish diplomat Kimmo Siira. Siira, a Counsellor in the Finnish embassy, disclosed that Finland aims to establish closer collaborations with India in the fields of quantum computing and artificial intelligence through its DESI (Digitalisation, Education, Sustainability, and Innovation) initiative. Siira also revealed plans for a biofuel refinery that would produce ethanol from bamboo, a joint project between Numaligarh Oil Refinery and Finland’s Chempolis. Additionally, Indian power minister RK Singh will visit Finland to study how Nordic countries manage their energy grids.

The DESI initiative is a partnership between the prime ministers of India and Finland that focuses on digitalization, education, sustainability, and innovation. It aims to consolidate various areas of cooperation under a single umbrella, taking into account India’s growth in quantum and high-performance computing, biofuels, and green hydrogen. Collaboration between Finland’s IQM and India’s C-DAC in quantum computing has also been established through a memorandum of understanding. The objective is to jointly develop and build a quantum computer in India.

Finland’s interest in working with India extends to energy transition as well. With the goal of decarbonization and carbon-neutrality by 2070, India seeks solutions for its steel plants located in the east, lacking renewable energy resources. The two countries are exploring ways to optimize India’s power grid to achieve these targets.

Biofuels play a significant role in Finland’s DESI initiative, particularly in relation to India’s ambitious plans for ethanol production. To address the challenges of long-distance transportation, Finland and India are collaborating on a bio-refinery project in Assam that converts bamboo into ethanol. The joint venture between Numaligarh Oil Refinery Ltd and Chempolis aims to establish regional biofuel capabilities. Memorandums of Understanding have also been signed with large Indian corporations to replicate this model elsewhere.

Furthermore, Finland is keen on enhancing talent and labor mobility by attracting skilled migrants from India. As an aging nation, Finland anticipates a significant demand for skilled labor, particularly in fields like nursing. Collaborating with Indian talent in science and technology is among Finland’s objectives in this regard.

Source : Fagen Wasanni

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